Pyrrhic victories
"Gonna Go Back in Time and Fix Everything
Reviewed January 10, 2024
Stripped down, fuzzy and melodic indie rock full of hooks and feelings.
Pyrrhic Victories’ most recent collection of songs, Gonna Go Back in Time and Fix Everything, operates within a fascinating fulcrum: these songs exude the easy cool of ho-hum slackerdom, but at the same time there isn’t a note out of place, not a strum off beat. Vocals are delivered with precision, the canned drums quantized as a metronome. Each sound is dialed in, no more than what’s necessary, to the point that even a ride pattern is a surprise. Despite these robotic components, the skillful layering of melodies and harmonies culminates in an impressively warm and inviting sound.
There are plenty of imaginative and surprising progressions throughout this seven-song ep, clever juxtapositions and off-kilter complements between the instruments, but like most of the best indie rock, it’s their singular style that sets Pyrrhic Victories apart. The fuzzed-out guitars and barebones percussion call to mind early Unknown Mortal Orchestra, with the melodic sensibilities of a recently un-Pavemented Stephen Malkmus. Multiple songs elide a ride pattern altogether. The songs are far from repetitive – no two sound alike. “The hills” depends on sturdy and measured bass chords for its foundation, while “must’ve been a dream” swarms through a mesmerizing chord pattern; “1-800-GOLF-TIP” employs a flummoxing rhythm, while “Juno” is a straight-ahead rocker with Strokes-like propulsion. Opener “Worm Welcome” showcases all of these strengths at once, with instrumentation, lyricism, production, and craft working in concert to create a near-perfect indie gem in just two and a half minutes.
Most of these songs eschew traditional verse-chorus-verse structures for a linear progression that reveals each part in turn, never to return. When applied with such innovative parts and instrumentation, it makes for an album-long succession of surprising shifts, holding the listener in a state of happy anticipation for the entire run.
This is a fantastic example of music held tightly in the reigns of a talented composer, producer, and performer. Gonna Go Back in Time and Fix Everything is a delightful listen on its own, but the real joy anticipating what will happen when Pyrrhic Victories lets loose.